【Prosthetic Hands】02 First Generation - First Finger

 First time to an independent scientific research, I tested various prototypes, trying to simply move the fingers. 

The First Finger! (Date: 2019/8/23)

The idea was simple, use the wire to pull the phalanges, but soon I realize a problem. If I simply connect the distal phalanx with the wire, though the finger would eventually perform the motions I wanted during total flexion and total extension, the movement of the phalanges within the moving process was random. Due to the resistance of the joints, the distal phalanx always flexed first before the middle one did.

I found out many design on the Internet ignore this problem for simplicity, but it actually impeded the modeling process and thwarted accurate control. To solve the problem, I came up with the idea of "multi-layer pulley".

With two layers of pulley pulling the phalanges in different speeds, the relative movement of the phalanges could be fixed. The result is demonstrated in the following video. 
